Sharing learnings: How to center, amplify and support immigrant women’s voices

The women brought skills to the table they had forgotten they had, or had not had the confidence to try out in English:“When I was very young, my Papa would ask me to stand on the table and read the newspaper out loud and strong – participating in IWAC reminds me I am in full command of my words; I am a storyteller, fine-tuning my abilities.” Like the models they were testing, their skills and stories strengthened with each iteration.

Learning Journeys: Pathways for and with Immigrant Women

I can’t remember a time when work initiatives and personal values crossed paths as meaningfully as they are for me now. In creating spaces and opportunities for newcomers to bring their strengths to their new lives in Canada, and with a belief that we now is the time to listen more carefully to quieter voices speaking truths, I find myself at a crossroads that is rewarding, hopeful and humbling. [read more]

Who is as important as How

In becoming the person you want to be, Ted Kuntz talks about paying attention to what has meaning – your values and highest aspirations. As most of us have experienced, amidst the demands of work and the complexities of day to day life, values and highest aspirations can easily fade to the background. Here is how a community of practice helps me do this.
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Strength in Diversity

I think about the first ELT (English Language Training) class I taught at ISSofBC 25 years ago and recall the diversity of personalities and ethnicities in detail that delights me:

 4 resourceful, tough, and playful Vietnamese young adults who had spent too much of their lives in a refugee camp …[read more]